ISO 9001 Certification

Privacy Policy

Article 1.- Introduction.

1.1. This policy applies to the «Endocrine Unit of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens», hereinafter referred to as «the Unit». The Unit is committed to protecting the personaldata collected when you use our website and other services. This Privacy Policy determines the commitment of the Unit to protect personal data with respect to the collection, use, transfer and retention of such data.

1.2. Collection and use of Personal Data. The Unit has designed a standard form of communication on its website to facilitate communication with any interested party. This form is used forany requests and directs them to our specialized department or scientific associate. In order to manage and respond to your queries and requests, we may collect and store your full name, e-mail address, address, contact details, medical history, your measurements (e.g. blood sugar levels, blood group, blood pressure, your medical history, your psychological profile, etc.) and any other information you may have provided. This information is strictly used to respond satisfactorily to your inquiries, requests and problems and will not be disclosed to third parties other than those mentioned in this policy or where disclosure is permitted or required by law or specific emergency situations and needs eg the need for immediate transfer to a hospital in case of your physical inability to consent to the disclosure from our side of relevant data). In addition, we provide the Unit’s telephone numbers for more direct communication if required. In particular, your Personal Data related to you will be used by the Unit for the following purposes:

  • For a more effective approach to your problem and referral to a specialist scientific associate who, whether employed within or outside the Unit,
  • For a first assessment of your physical and mental health status so that the way your Unit approaches your problem is the most effective and convenient.
  • For our use of your Personal Data relating to you and disclosure to medical and nursing staff in the event that you are unable to consent to their disclosure (eg in the event of your immediate need to be hospitalized and physically incapacitated to grant you the approval),
  • To approach your problem from our Unit specialists in order to have the complete picture of your problem,
  • To include your Personal Data to your medical history so that our scientific associate to whom you are referred will have the first idea about your problem,
  • For the use of the relevant Personal Data by us relating to your care provider, if the Unit’s remuneration is covered by a particular care provider and the relevant expenditure has been approved,
  • For the use of the relevant data by the Unit in research programs and scientific studies with full respect for your anonymity,
  • For information, promotion and communication of the Unit and its services, as well as surveys to assess the quality of the relevant services provided by the Unit, including telephone, sms message, mms message, fax, e-mail, e-mail, internet, etc.

If the relevant data relate to a minor, under sixteen (16) years old, you will be asked to give your own name, and with your acceptance of the present, you agree freely, expressly, unconditionally and irrevocably that you exercise the parental responsibility care for the above-mentioned minor.

1.3. It is also possible to subscribe to the newsletter of the Unit, where the user’s name and e-mail address are to be filled in. In any case, if the user wishes to withdraw his / her consent, it is possible to unsubscribe from the Unit’s newsletter through the body of the e-mail received by the user while at the same time deleting your e-mail address from the Unit’s systems.

1.4. In some cases, our site may be used by prospective affiliates, so our affiliates agree to accept our current processing of personal data concerning them.

1.5. For lawful processing of your data under Regulation (EU) 2016/679, we recognize a legitimate basis before processing personal data. In the above cases, the legal basis for the processing of personal data on our part is to grant your explicit consent to processing by submitting the form only if you agree to this policy. If you submit the above form, you agree to the policy in the immediately preceding paragraph and expressly, unreservedly and freely give your consent to our lawful processing of your personal data pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2016 / 679, which is discussed in U.S. Pat. 1.2. term of the present.

1.6. Transfer of Personal Data. The Unit may transfer personal data collected to the extent that this is reasonably necessary for the management of legitimate business. Such transfers will be protected by appropriate protective measures (eg personal data disclosure clauses to subcontractors, disclosure clauses to third-party suppliers, disclosure clauses of personal data necessary for legal compliance, disclosure clauses of personal data by scientific researchers partners, etc.). In addition, we may transfer personal data when such processing is necessary to comply with a legal obligation to which we are subject or when your Unit refers to another scientific associate who does not provide his / her work to the Unit or in case of the penultimate subsection no. 1.2. of the present.

1.7.Personal Data Retention. The Unit commits not to retain personal data for a longer period than is necessary and will ensure that we erase it safely. For additional information about the period of retention and the erasure, please refer to the «Contact» section of the web page.

Article 2. – Right of access

2.1. The Unit considers that the personal data collected directly by the subjects are accurate, correct and complete.

2.2. For any inaccuracies or false content in the immediately preceding Privacy Statement, the Unit is not responsible and expressly reserves the right to any civil or criminal claim arising out of the law.

2.3. Individuals can access their own Personal Data using the Data Subject Right Request. For additional information, please refer to the «Contact Us» section of the site.

Article 3.- Right of Correction and Deletion

3.1. The data subject may require the updating, deletion or removal of any information that is retained on it, and any third party who processes or uses the data must also comply with that request. A deletion request can only be rejected if there is an exception.

3.2. The right to delete may be exercised through the application based on the rights of the data subject. The Unit is required to erase personal data when one of the following restrictive terms is applicable:

  • personal data is no longer necessary for the purposes they were collected or processed,
  • the data subject expressly withdraws his consent and there is no other legitimate basis for processing,
  • the data subject expressly refers to processing based on the legitimate interests of the Data Administrator and there are no other overriding legitimate reasons for the processing,
  • personal data has been subjected to non-legitimate processing.

3.3. If the request for the deletion of the personal data has been received, the identification has been confirmed, the request meets one of the above requirements and there is no legitimate reason to object to the processing, the Unit shall completely delete the relevant data. The request should be entered into the Data Entry Requests Archive of the subjects of the Data.

3.4. If the Unit can not erase personal data for technical reasons, it will ensure to the data subject that:

  • can not or will not attempt to use personal data to justify any decision on an individual or in a manner that affects that person in any way,
  • does not give access to personal data to any other body, a natural or legal person of private or public law, or a private law body exercising public authority (except where required by law),
  • protects personal data with appropriate technical and organizational security and
  • is committed to the permanent deletion of information if, or whenever they become available.

Article 4 – Right to Restrict Processing

4.1. The data subject has the right to require the administrator to restrict the processing using the Subject Rights Submission Application.

Article 5. – Right of Rebellion

5.1. The subject has the right to oppose, at any time and for reasons related to his / her particular situation, the processing of Personal Data relating to him / her, using the Submission Rights Submission Application.

Article 6.- Right to Data Portability

6.1. Upon request, the data subject should have the right to receive a copy of the Personal Data in a structured (printed or digital) format using the application based on the rights of the data subject. These requests should be processed within one (1) month, as there is no excessive charge and does not compromise the privacy of other subjects. A data subject may also request that his or her data be transferred directly to another system. This request must be made free of charge.

6.2. If the Unit can not fully respond to this request within one (1) month, the Data Protection Officer should nonetheless provide the following information to the Data subject or his / her legally authorized representative within the time frame which has been identified:

  • A confirmation of receipt of the request,
  • Any information has been identified so far,
  • Details of any information or modifications requested which will not be given to the data subject, the reason (s) for the rejection, and any available procedures for appealing against the decision,
  • An estimated date on which the remaining answers will be provided,
  • Estimated costs to be paid by the data subject (eg when the request is inherently excessive) and
  • The name and contact details of the Data Protection Officer.

Article 7. – Final provisions.

7.1. By accepting this message, you agree explicitly, freely, with full knowledge, unreservedly and agree, in accordance with Article 6.1 (a) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679, stating at the same time, after being informed in clear and plain language for the personal data and purpose of their processing: (a) that you give us your consent to the collection, processing and use of your personal data as it has been declared by you and for the (b) that you know your right of access to the above data, your right to object to your processing and to withdraw your consent at any time, (c) that it is agreed that processing is necessary for the performance of a contract (d) that processing is necessary to safeguard your vital interest; (e) that if you give personal data of aperson below 16 years old you agree expressly, freely and unreservedly that you exercise parental rights for this person, so you also give your own name; (f) that provision of the relevant Personal Data from your side and its processing is necessary for the purposes of preventive or occupational medicine, medical diagnosis, health or social care or treatment or management of sanitary and social systems or services based on Union law or the law of a Member State or under a contract with a health professional in the field of medical diagnosis, healthcare or social care or treatment or management of health and social systems and services under Union law or the law of a Member State or under contract with a health professional and (g) that the data provided by you is complete and accurate.

In case of any inaccuracies regarding the above data that will be entered by you on this website, the Unit is not entirely responsible and No 2.2. of the present is applied.

7.2. If the Unit choose to change this Privacy Policy, we will post the update to our site. Where the changes are significant, the Unit may also send an e-mail or inform by appropriate means to the users concerned with the new details. Where required by law, we will obtain your consent to make such changes.

7.3. Please note that denial or withdrawal of your consent may void your Service from being effective, as it will not be possible to process personal data for the purposes stated, and the Unit in the latter case does not carry any absolute responsibility for any delays in your service or referral to a scientific partner other than the one you really need to solve your problem.