The Unit provides a wide range of diagnostic and therapeutic services: endocrinology, nutrition, psychological assessment and hormone testing. Our philosophy is to ensure the holistic support of our patients so that they attain and maintain good physical and mental health.

Nutritional assessment and monitoring contribute to the health maintenance of patients, whose health problems are related to an increased body mass index (BMI), weight gain or loss or are accompanied by malabsorption. Also, as the patient reaches the ideal weight, physical wellness and self-esteem increase, while good nutrition brings positive effects in mood, an important factor in the healing process.
Nutritional assessment and monitoring services
- Detailed nutritional assessment and support for inadequate child growth
- Nutritional recommendations for cardiovascular disease prevention (for adolescents and adults)
- Treatment of overweight and Obesity in Adults
- Nutrition Principles and recommendations for patients with Diabetes Mellitus
- Nutritional evaluation and Treatment of metabolic syndrome, dyslipidemia, polycystic ovary syndrome & food-related disorders
- Nutrition Recommendations in Pregnancy