In addition, to meet the monitoring needs in a most comprehensive way, the Unit cooperates directly with other healthcare providers. In particular, the cooperation with “Aghia Sofia” Children’s Hospital, (with the General Hospital of Athens “Laiko” and the Eugenidio Hospital). Also, the Unit, represented by its Professor and Scientific Director G.P. Chrousos, participates in the UNESCO chair on “Adolescent Healthcare and Medicine” and on the University’s Research Center on study and treatment of Genetic and Malignant Childhood Diseases of the Medical School.
From a research point of view, the Unit provides a broad spectrum of activities, as it has contributed to the sample size estimation for the writing of the considerable numbers of dissertations and research protocols. Not only, the Unit is regularly presented at both Greek and international conferences as well as at the scientific events. For example, in the recent past run a research involving the representative sample for using the Stevia plant as a sugar substitute for the patients with diabetes mellitus. The aim of the Unit is to maintain its active and systematic research activity as to conduct more researches on autoimmune thyroiditis and how it’s linked with the environmental factors, cancer epidemiology, metabolic disorders and metabolic syndrome, the obesity, the diabetes mellitus and the polycystic ovary syndrome.
The patients with the above diseases are under a regular monitoring by the Endocrinologists of our Unit. Due to the monitoring together with research activities the Unit provides patients with modern medicine’s and personalized therapeutic approach. We also conduct preventive monitoring of patients who have an inherited predisposition and family history with specific health issues, such as in families with a history of malignancy. Furthermore, we provide therapy for the endocrine disorders related to pregnancy, such as gestational diabetes or hypothyroidism.
These diseases are also defined among pediatric patients, while when they are combined or related to developmental abnormalities in children, a multidisciplinary group of pediatricians and endocrinologists – under the supervision of the Scientific Manager – is formed for early intervention and recovering of the normal rate of growth. The most important complications of development concern the early transition from childhood to adolescence and the abnormalities of Pituitary function, where growth hormone is produced, the sufficiency of which is necessary.
In all the above cases of disorders, the diet plan for the patients is often recommended, which is provided at the Unit and in cooperation with the endocrinologist, aiming at the diet and the weight control or weight gain when the patient is underweight. For example, special intervention protocols are implemented to prevent and treat metabolic syndrome and obesity, as well as diabetes self-management. The diet plan includes certain proposals for changing nutrition habits, cooking methods and alternatives to eating out, as well as the food that is not recommended for specific health problems. Nutritional assessment is also recommended in cases such as anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa.
In the latter cases, mental-health monitoring to the patient is required. Similarly, for women with menstrual disorders, for the patients with Cushing’s syndrome and in other similar cases, when hormonal fluctuations affect mood, the assessment is carried out at the psychoneuroendocrinology level. For this reason, psychotherapy (cognitive behavioral therapy) and stress management are also provided by out Unit. These services are addressed to the patients with endocrine disorders, but also to anyone who needs psychological support. Therapy sessions sometimes are provided as a part of a long-term treatment, but may also be provided in individual case or condition: during the period of acceptance of disease diagnosis and medication adherence and compliance. In case our patients are children, family therapy can be also provided.
It’s a great honor to briefly mention some of the prominent senior scientists and academics who have participated or still provide their assistance to the Unit and have contributed to its development from the scientific side and for the management of ethical issues:
- the founders and the pioneer professors, Mr. Dimitris Koutras and Mr. Ioannis Mantzos
- Mrs. Alevizaki Maria,
- Mr. Valsamakis Georgios,
- Mr. Kaltsas Grigorios,
- Mrs. Kanaka Gantenbein Christina
- Mrs. Kassi Eva / Evanthia,
- Mrs. Lambrinoudaki Irene
- Mr. Mastorakos Georgios
- Mrs. Bakopoulou Flora
- Mr. Filippou Georgios
Mr. Chrousos P. George